![]() Pilates - a love affair long in the making. 20 years ago I went to my first pilates class and absolutely fell in love - it was in a small studio in Tampa, FL - the instructor (I thought) asked me if I liked Pies & Lattes and how much experience I had. I thought what a strange question but I guess I did and had fairly significant experience with both. I discovered I liked Pilates far more than Pies & Lattes. I loved the movements, the refinement of motion and the isolation of certain muscle groups that often go long neglected. Pilates is a method of exercise that really focuses on strength, flexibility and toning your core in particular. The practice really resonated with me but like most (all) things, it fell off my radar and become a non-existent priority when stacked ranked against work, work travel, work planning, project deadlines & demands. I had no time to invest in anything that wasn't work related so pilates just became something I loved but abandoned. Growing up I was a competitive figure skater - I discovered martial arts in my early 20's - played hockey in my 30's ... went back to martial arts in my mid-30's - was working out / running non stop. Then I hit my 40's coming off of two back to back broken ankles. All physical activity came to an immediate halt. For someone who spent most of their life being incredibly physical and insanely competitive - this was a hard time for me mentally. I don't think I really did anything physical until this past summer after having a wildly successful knee surgery. That surgery was actually life changing for me - I'm so thankful and filled with gratitude for my orthopedic surgeon. 6 weeks after surgery I was hiking through Iceland & Ireland - Upon my return, I made the decision to go to a free Pilates Mat Class at my gym. Even after such an extended absence - I felt at home with the movements and extensions. My body, while battered, was still incredibly strong and in those movements I realized my body hasn't failed me. There wasn't anything my body couldn't do - it was often seamless and fluid. Me ... the me that could barely move 6 months prior. The me that looks in the mirror and misses being 120 lbs and 20 years old. The me that was so far removed from my athletic background that I no longer knew what it was capable of when I walked into class ... That Me ... but it turns out, this me is incredibly strong and has an amazing body that is able to do great things. I started out on a journey, picked a path and my instructor Alisa just happened to be there. There are people on Earth who you're supposed to meet and she's one of them for me. I work with her 1x1 once a week (Cadillac), joined a weekly group class (reformer / chair) and go to the mat classes as often as possible. She and I talked about me joining the Spring instructor training and for the first time in a very long time, I feel motivated by purpose. I have since bought a Cadillac for my basement which I couldn't love more if my life depended on it. It was always my favorite in terms of my practice so for me to have one is the most exciting thing ever. I do practice on my own every single day when not in class. The difference I'm seeing is fairly remarkable - the difference in how I'm feeling is mind blowing.
Benefits of Pilates:
Note: Pilates, at times, can be used in addition to PT. If you think you may have an SI issue or sacral torsion or rotation, See a manual or physical therapist as you don't want to strengthen the area if your sacrum is misaligned or you could make things worse. I'm a master of making things worse so believe when I say - get some qualified peepers on your sacrum. THEN kick some ass in a Pilates class. Net / Net - Pilates is amazing. It feels good to be back home in my body's movement. I'm trying to end each day with what I'm grateful for and what fills my heart with gratitude (which isn't easy at times) but I'm most certainly thankful for my pilates practice. I can't wait to kick off my certification in the Spring - what an exciting next step in this journey!
![]() A few things I have noticed and wanted to share: I kicked off KETO on November 4th 1. I didn't lose much weight the first week. It actually was surprising enough to give me pause and make me doubt the path I was on. KETO to me was like the holy grail of lifestyles - some diet nirvana that once attained would make you look like a 6" ft tall / 120 lbs Pilates Instructor. Maybe that's more of a week 4 thing ... will report back. I do think KETO comes with high expectations which are often justified but they should be tempered by realistic expectations as well. I have spent most every day of every month of every year of every decade dieting, to various extents. I have to think my metabolism would file charges against me if it were able. Thankfully it's not. 15 days in, I am consistently losing weight nearly every day. The loss can range from .5 to 1.5 which is amazing. My current run rate is about 5 lbs a week. Know that when I built my daily macros I wanted to be at a 25% deficit - with each loss milestone I'll adjust my macros. My goal is to realign my macros as I navigate this journey and find that perfect balance of maintaining where I'm most comfortable. Right now, it made sense for me to be most restrictive as I'm at the start of the weight loss journey. By the time I hit my goal weigh my macros will look very different than they do today. I don't have a ton to lose so I'm not in a rush as I'm trying to make lifelong changes. 2. I'm also finding that Ketosis is often confused with ketoacidosis. Several people have shared that I'm doing "tremendous harm" by being KETO which is simply not the case. Ketoacidosis is a dangerous condition for diabetics in particular. However what makes it so incredibly dangerous is ACID not the ketones per se. Ketones are produced by the liver and operate as a very efficient fuel for the body. They sort of take over when there isn't enough glucose. As I understand it, when your glucose levels become depleted / low enough your liver takes notice and converts oodles of stored fatty acids into Ketone bodies that become your primary source of fuel. Thanks Liver!! 3. All cravings are gone now ... what I want to eat has shifted. I think on low fat diets all I think about are the things I can't have. It was always about beating my cravings into submission until I'd go bananas one day and eat 2 cupcakes. Then I'd feel like shit, my stomach would hurt, I'd feel guilty, etc. KETO has broken that cycle for me because I'm eating such rich foods, my body doesn't feel deprived. I'm in a FB group with some girlfriends of mine - who are all trying to lose weight and the cycle is the same for every single member: amazing week / horrible week / back on track / OMG I ate 2 bagels / sort of on track / I just ate a snickers dipped in peanut butter / off the rails / no hope left in humanity / the world is ending / **Start Over** / amazing week / horrible week / back on track / off the rails / shame silence / **Start Over** .... Wildly supportive group of woman - amazing woman who are all strong and beautiful and perfect the way they are. But we're struggling. The thing is, it's not just me or you ... it's this cycle of trying to deprive ourselves into "healthly" which has proven to not work over and over again. This was my life for the last 30 years. I actually once said "Oh no, I'm full - I just ate 6 grapes". Believe when Is say KETO is fairly life changing on so so many levels. 4. There is such a thing as too much protein. I think the first time I did what I thought was KETO was me just eating a shit ton of Protein and not enough fat and it didn't work. So I abandoned it after I gained nearly 5 lbs. What I didn't realize is, excessive protein actually converts to carbohydrates though a process called gluconeogensis ... who knew that? Well clearly a ton of people but I wasn't one of them. 5. I'm never hungry & I don't snack any longer. I eat 3 meals a day with one small snack usually between Lunch & Dinner and that's all I want. I eat less often and need smaller portions because I stay full & satisfied longer. It's really rather remarkable on so many levels as I'm someone who loves (loved) to snack - I celebrated with snacks ... I celebrated my snacks with snacks. I just don't have much desire to snack at all now. I celebrate in other ways. That's what I know / have experienced thus far. I went to the TwentyOne Pilots concert tonight with my son and I didn't even have a stadium snack. I just enjoyed being out with Finn having the most fun I have had in years. What an amazing evening. More on that ... and more on my KETO journey as it progresses!! FAT BOMBS ... On any other plan you would think this was a mistake you made. It sounds more like a response to a friend asking how your diet is coming along, "Oh I fat bombed it completely today ... maybe tomorrow will be better" But today was awesome because not only are Fat Bombs okay they are encouraged. Fat Bombs are easy to make, satisfying, so incredibly decadent and have about 2 net carbs per bomb. Today I spent most of my time organizing my closet - it's something that I love to do. I think it makes me feel like an incredibly well adjusted adult. Especially if I can get all my laundry sorted and stored away 1. in the same day and 2. in an orderly fashion. But it's also incredibly motivating - the back half of my closet is crammed full of items that I love but can't wear comfortably. If you bend over and feel as though your pencil skirt is sawing you in half - I'd like to emphasize how powerful a KETO meal plan can be in helping you make your way to the back half of your closet. Fat Bombs are just another tool to get you there. A tasty tasty tool ... After I mastered being an adult this afternoon I turned my attention to meal planning and wanted to incorporate a few sweet treats into this week's menu by way of making two kinds of Fat Bombs: 1. Hazelnut & Coconut (4 ingredients total) 2. Peanut Butter & Chocolate (3 ingredients total) Of note: I meant to sprinkle sea salt on top of the hazelnut & coconut ones but spaced it entirely. That little salty bite would be fairly spectacular and it would also enhance the other flavors. Now that I think about it, I also spaced it the last time I made them as well. I'm not sure what's going on with me and my inability to add this ingredient but I seemingly refuse to do so. HAZELNUT & COCONUT FAT BOMBS:
HOW TO: They are the easiest thing to make. I do think having a silicone candy mold is the key to having an easy go at making fat bombs as they just pop out perfectly each and every time.
I think they also lend a sort of luxury to the meal plan as they are so decadent. For those of you that like something sweet to end a meal, they are perfect and will satisfy that need. I have always preferred savory over sweet but every so often I crave a bit of chocolate. For me these are a really easy way to feel like you're indulging while staying on track. My goal is to be able to walk into my closet and wear absolutely anything - no treat is worth derailing that. With Fat Bombs you don't have to compromise and that's pretty awesome. In my next batch I may add Bacon - a bit of crunchy savory in my sweet!! Stay Tuned! ![]() I have had one of those weeks where you sort of look and feel like you were hit by a bus, then dragged through hell only to be launched back into your normal day to day life and land in a pile of dog crap. I have placed myself in timeout. I showed up to work today with my hair in a ponytail and a coworker was concerned that something happened to me. Again, hit by bus, dragged through hell, & landed in a turd pile are on the highlights reel. I'll save those for another post entitled "Are you trying to get punched in the throat?" With everything going on I only worked out twice because I missed every single pilates class at the gym due to getting stuck in parking garages (street level construction) each day this week and last minute meeting requests darkened my outlook (literally and figuratively). But I'm feeling great 10 days into KETO. My stomach doesn't hurt, I don't feel bloated, someone said I was glowing and looked amazing today (despite my ponytail), and I'm losing weight. That said, for the last 24 hours - all I can think about and all I want is something absolutely LOADED with carbs. This was a super stressful week - I think in my mind french fries or (and) a croissant would decrease my stress. I'm sure it would, like a little hug of support for my tummy. I found myself standing in front of my pantry staring at a plate of chocolate croissants with more longing in my eyes than I have ever had for anything or anyone ... ever. I can only imagine this is what Oliver Twist would feel like looking at an endless supply of porridge - mouth open & wide eyed I think I blacked out at some point because I'm not even sure how long I stood there but I'm happy to report I didn't eat one. I did however eat a small plate of olives. ![]() As yummy as they were it was a shitty substitute for a chocolate croissant. I was actually so put out by it all I ended up just escaping to my room where I cleaned my bathroom and settled into creating next week's menu! A good friend of mine is doing KETO as well. She has lost a lot of weight and continues to do so faster than I am losing mine. She suggested I look into Exogenous Ketones. I bought a starter bundle from PerfectKeto.com containing:
![]() I actually have no idea what I bought entirely but I saw "Chocolate" and stopped reading. I don't even care at this point. I religiously use MCT Oil in my coffee & when making fat bombs. I just love it. I'll get a powder version of that in my starter kit. I'm most excited about that. Re: the ketone strips, I have been testing my blood a few times a week (in the am / evening) just to see where I have been hovering range wise. I'm staying in an optimal zone it seems, so all signs are pointing to me being on the right track. I do wonder why my progress is soooooo slow. I am armed with oodles of books and am reading through them and will try to adjust next week's menu. I don't think I'm eating too many calories - I'm monitoring my macros and watching my caloric intake so I think once my metabolism resets I should start to see fairly significant results. Fingers Crossed. But here's the thing - I feel better ... even though weight isn't melting off of me, I feel a rather remarkable improvement. I'm fairly blown away by that. ![]() That's my update! A bit more reading and a bit more blogging and I'm calling this day / week over. Oodles of sleep and my pilates classes tomorrow should reset my morale. I'm looking forward to seeing how I progress next week while hopefully keeping my stress levels a bit lower. There's just so much going on in my life / around me that it's hard to not become distracted or derailed. I just think with how great I'm feeling it's not really a diet or something to suffer through - it's just a new approach to how I live my life. ![]() This little chart now rules my life ... The Keto Food Pyramid otherwise known as "I think I may starve to death and hate my life" chart. I actually think I love it but I'm still in my first week and am just getting over the "KETO Flu". While adapting rather well I still have an incredibly strong urge to drop kick Finn's bagels through a window so it may not the best time for me to kick off this post. But buckle up - because it's happening!! Why KETO? Especially since I have been an off and on vegetarian for most of my life. The primary components of KETO are Meat, Eggs, Nuts, Seeds & Healthy Fats. When I say I was a vegetarian, I became one around 12 - I wasn't just a chill vegetarian, early on, I was a super snarky / confrontational / & way judgmental vegetarian. In High School I was fueled by two things: Hunger and Morrissey rage. Anyone that was unlucky enough to cross my path, minding their own business, nom nomming a burger - I'd just like to apologize for my behavior. I actually slapped a burger out of someone's hand once. Which now thinking back, the visual is heeelarious. Best Ever!! That said, to that person, I'm especially sorry. While I ate incredibly well, I never quite felt great and I never looked entirely great either (super pale, often anemic) but I kept trying and trying. Each failure or departure from a plant based diet came with a tremendous amount of guilt. My issue is and was against factory farming and what most animal endure as they navigate a miserable life met with unspeakable horror, suffering and cruelty. I will never stop being a very vocal opponent against animal cruelty. I do however support local farmers and locally sourced meat and dairy. It's expensive in comparison but it's worth it to me and that's how the transition to KETO is possible for ME. So, why KETO? It's hard for me to drop weight like I could in my 20's and 30's ... I watch every single calorie that crosses my lips. I count points, calories, weigh my food, deprive myself, beat myself up if I eat something I'm not supposed to and I'm still not where I'd like to be. Maybe it's hormonal, maybe the calories are the wrong calories for me, maybe I wasn't eating enough, etc. My "maybes" could go on forever ... When my dad got sick, I started to gain weight. I had an insanely stressful job, I lived 2000 miles from home, and things weren't great in my own life. For 2 years I was splitting my time between a job that I hated and my father's home in Chesapeake Va where I watched Cancer bring a titan to his knees. My stress levels remained at a constant 10 / 10 for an incredibly extended period of time which I can only imagine was creating a virtual endless supply of cortisol. KETO is my path forward. More precisely, it's my path BACK to me. The more I learn about it, the more it makes sense to me: low carb, moderate proteins, high fat. If you're not familiar with KETO you may think High Fat - that's the exact opposite of what we should do and it's not. Our brains NEED Fat. Our brains thrive with the proper amount of fat. It's a critical component that we so often drastically cut back when trying to lose weight. If I were to sum up the approach: consume fat to burn fat. I'm not talking about eating a stick of butter in preparation of bikini season - think more along the lines of eating steak with an smashed avocado, cooking your eggs in coconut oil, dressing your salad liberally with walnut oil - throw in some goat cheese, etc. My breakfast today was two eggs cooked in coconut oil, and 2 slices of Morning Star "Bacon" otherwise known as "Faken" around here because it's fake bacon but it's super low in carb so it's perfect. It's all comes down to your "macros" or macronutrients. My macros are as shown below: ![]() This is my meal composition - With a higher fat diet, I'm satiated with small meals of really healthy food & the steady introduction / combination of healthy fats. I don't pay strict attention to the k/cal - I leverage Myfitnesspal Pro which allows me to enter my personal macro ranges and as long as I stick to the 90/102/17 combination - I'm good. Lately that's been running about 1500 k/cal a day. I happen to know my resting metabolic rate is 2000 k/cals a day so this places me in a healthy deficit. I have lost 7 lbs this week - maybe a good bit of that is water weight but I drink about 80oz of water a day so I'm staying hydrated. I did however have to add electrolytes to my daily supplements as I had a ROUGH 36 or so hours starting Tuesday evening that lasted well into the early morning on Thursday. One of my favorite people in the entire universe, LD and I were supposed to have a greatly anticipated lunch date this past Wednesday but I felt horrible and canceled. She told me to add electrolytes and I should feel better so I did and I do. Week 1 is in the bag and AND I started a 60 day challenge at the gym this morning. My amazing pilates instructor Alisa is my 60 day coach - looking forward to seeing where I land at the end of December. Watch out neglected back half of my closet where all my awesome clothes live - I'll see you soon!! ![]() I have been here almost a year ... Almost a year and I haven't been incredibly mindful or dedicated to my blog. Almost a year of me sitting here daily looking at the same desk each and every day and yet I barely put fingers to keys. While the ideas have been nonstop - I hit a wall when my trademark application was rejected and I needed to jump through hoops to refile and defend the honor of "Deferring Zen". Staying true to form I deferred my response until it was almost too late. But not TOO late as I'm back in business What has changed: I had knee surgery and can move again (amazing), I changed jobs this summer, I traveled to Iceland and Ireland, I was able to move a good bit of my Dad's furniture to my home (heart full), and Frosty is now the size of a Fiat causing mass destruction and me to doubt the existence of God. I just read that out loud to her and she either understood me or isn't feel well after eating my Bose headphones ... What has NOT changed: ME ... I stopped meditating, I didn't really change my eating habits, I didn't go to yoga or pilates like I had promised myself, I didn't make myself a priority as I had hoped and I am still struggling to find time to do things for myself. There is however great change in the air as of late! I feel amazing, my inner voice has become much kind(er), I have started to go to pilates and yoga, I am insanely focused on my eating habits and I'm finding balance to do the things that I know I need to do in order to personally thrive. Maybe it's because I switched jobs - I went from Finance (happy) to IS (barf) back to Finance (sigh - so so happy). Maybe it's because I have the happiest kid on the planet who is healthy, happy and brings such joy to my life, as long as I don't look at his bathroom or his closet floor. Overall, I think I finally feel that I'm where I belong. Not just at work but in my life and that feels pretty amazing. More to come ... I have been sitting each evening meditating as I had promised myself and it sort of sucks. I long abandoned the morning attempts as my life comes roaring into action from the moment I open my eyes, between getting ready, packing lunch, wrangling a snoozyheaded 12 year old, getting him out the door and spending an enormous amount of time trying to find my badge to get into my office. I'm not sure what I had hoped meditating would do for me but it's not really doing anything ... it's nice to sit ... it's nice to have a few moments of time for myself but the reality is, all I have is time to myself. I'm just tinkering and doing things in those other moments - it's still just me. I have no more peace in my mind than when I started this journey. While I wasn't sure what to expect, I did expect something. Anything really. I have OCD - I have the kind of OCD that is very symmetry and order based - outside of cleaning my house and organizing I don't have many outward manifestations of OCD. I don't have rituals, I don't have many compulsive behaviors like doing things a certain number of times, etc. However, when super stressed, I run through prime numbers in my head until I'm back in black. On the upside, I think insurance companies should hire me as the SVP of What's Wrong as my magical super power is the ability to immediately spot something out of order. I would kill it as the person who looks at rental cars as they leave and return to the lot. Absolutely everyone would be fined. I can literally walk into my kitchen while being mauled by my dogs, hands full, sunglasses on, beanie slipping over my eyes and I will see a 2 mm long scratch in the freezer door that wasn't there when I left that morning. I'm like a dent-bat ... I have a specialized OCD echolocation. On the downside, once it hits my radar that's when the obsessive part of my scrambled little ball of yarn of a brain latches on. What happened, why is it this way, who did this (which is pointless), why did this happen, I'll never not notice this, it's ruined, why can't things be the way I NEED them to be. It's not a want, it's a need. It's a critical need that sort of weaves the fabric of how I navigate the world together. 99.99999999999% of the time I just take care of it - I just clean it, repair it, mend it, replace it or really try to just accept it and move on. Sometimes I can't ... The problem is - I have never had anyone catch me as I start to spiral in my little fixated mind. I have never had anyone just step back and offer a "hey don't worry, let me help you or let me take care of this". This is why I had hoped Meditation would be a great thing for me because I can do that by myself. Side Note: Telling someone with OCD to get over it doesn't usually help. Not to cross a line into completely unreasonable but maybe a bit of compassion and kindness would go a long way. For me when I fixate on something, It's like walking into a room with red walls, with everyone wearing red, with every object painted red and someone is super annoyed that all you see is red when literally, EVERYTHING IS RED. Not me: What Red Me: It's everywhere - it's literally everywhere. Not Me: Just stop it / Get over it / Deal with it Me: ((whispering to myself)) "it's everywheeeeeeeeeeeeeere ... so so so much red" Meditation is supposed to have tremendous benefits for people with OCD. Neuroscientists believe that the human mind has 75,000+ thoughts a day but someone with OCD has more thoughts than they can actually quantify. In fact, the American Psychological Foundation literally said that it's simply "too many" - it's hard to even fathom a guess. If the non-OCD brain generates a thought about once every 1.5 seconds - the OCD brain, once spun up, is generating more than a thought per second.
People with OCD typically also have a shortage of dopamine and meditation is proven to increase dopamine production by 65% (thanks researchers @ Denmark's John F. Kennedy Institute for that). At the moment - my brain has an overabundance of Dope and not enough Dopamine. To be clear I'm not ON Dope ... I'm a meditation Dope. Meditation has the ability to rewire our brains and we can reshape our lives through this path so I'm not giving up but I will say, this isn't as easy and fun as I had hoped. If meditation can help me rewire other people's brains - I'd quit my job and become a Tibetan Monk. While that's not likely what it will do is hopefully change my reaction to them. I need the Zen version of "I'm rubber and you're glue" If you have any tips, I'd love to hear them!! This little cancer ass-kicker has been incorporated into people's daily lives as early as 2737 BC. You know what else was going on around then? Not a lot ... though I did read in my vast research that one of the first wine vines was planted in that year. A good year for beverages it seems. Green Tea - in case you are a devout coffee drinker, like me and never paid much attention to it is one of the greatest things on the planet. That's a fact. I didn't pay much attention to it until my father was diagnosed with Cancer. Every single book I came across, and there were many, all had entire chapters devoted to Green Tea. As a result, I went online and bought a case of Green Tea. ![]() I bought Ito En Oi Ocha Green tea and what I had in my mind that green tea would taste like was NOT what this tasted like. It was bizarrely bitter to me and I pretty much hated it. So I drank half, set it aside and a few moments later, I wanted more. I still wasn't fully on board but I wanted to drink it - not because I read it in a book that I should drink it but I just wanted to. I feel like somehow my body just knew what it needed and it's now easily my favorite thing to drink and have on hand. I buy cases of this on Amazon and we can barely keep them around. Finn even loves them and will drink one after Lacrosse. Green Tea Fun Facts:
![]() My daily routine now includes 2-3 cups of Green Tea - it's something I really enjoy and it absolutely feels like I'm doing something good for my body. As my dad would say "It certainly doesn't hurt" Grab a cuppa and relax as part of your daily routine too - I think you'll love it as much as I do. The single greatest invention on Earth may be the spiralizer. I bought one on Amazon with a bit of Christmas money and since its arrival, it has become my absolute favorite kitchen items. I had Finn spiralize 3 Zucchinis using a 2mm blade to make very thin zoodles. A 2mm blade will create zoodles the same width as Angel Hair pasta. We decided to Make Zucchini Zoodles with Pesto and Marinara Sauce and for the record, Finn did not eat any of this but the fact that he's touching zucchini is an amazing start. That's the magic of a spiralizer. Ingredients:
From start to Finish - this meal takes about 30 mins and is incredibly easy and satisfying. Not to mention you get to use the Spiralizer which makes any meal fairly awesome.
A few Suggestions:
Over the holidays I did a massive amount of baking - churning out just a tremendous amount of pastries, cookies, dutch babies (best ever), marshmallows, chocolates, chocolate marshmallows, and many, many other sweet treats. In my next life I can only hope to be reborn as a Keebler Elf as spending each and every day making cookies and treats would be the most amazing thing ever. However, what I love to make isn't necessarily what I love to eat (thankfully). After recovering from the carb festival that I hosted at my house for nearly a month, I have been craving smoothies and clean eating. I kick off nearly every morning with a smoothie. Especially when my body is screaming from the rooftops that it NEEDS something clean, easily digested, and filling. If I don't eat a good breakfast, I will go bonkers around 4-5 PM and I don't always make the best choices as a result. My strawberry smoothie with banana and cocoa nibs is my absolute favorite and is our quick go-to when pressed for time. It's creamy, filling, & decadent. Additionally, it keeps me from becoming a carb blackhole by 5 pm. Ingredients:
The frozen banana is the key to a creamy smoothie - it's the one ingredient I will never skip. I buy tons of bananas and will immediately peel them, break them in half and put them into freezer bags. Rarely will I just eat a banana, though I did get detained by customs in Switzerland for smuggling 8 bananas into the country. I really had no excuse - I can only assume I was very concerned by a potential banana shortage in Zurich. They were confiscated and I have to say I didn't have a great smoothie my entire time there. So ... take that for what it's worth. Want recipes for any of the sweet treats posted above? Let me know, I will happily share them with you! |